Tangle Mainnet goes live! Get ready to kickstart MPC innovation!
Tangle Network

The Future of Multi-Party Computation, Unraveled.

Tangle is an MPC-as-a-service restaking blockchain infrastructure empowering cross-chain and zero-knowledge applications development.

The Kickstarter of MPC Innovation

A united ecosystem of developers, validators and innovators collaboratively revolutionizing decentralized cloud solutions with Multi-Party Computation.

Scale with MPC

Application developers unlock scalable, secure development with MPC solutions. Seamless integration, endless possibilities.

Build with MPC

Utilize Tangle's modular protocol to innovate and expand MPC infrastructure. Dive into pioneering solutions through various protocol upgrades.
iPhone mockup

Earn with MPC

Validators unlock advanced cryptographic services, while earning additional rewards with Tangle's restaking framework.

Collaborate with MPC

Join a thriving ecosystem of developers and validators to co-create cutting-edge, privacy-preserving applications with Tangle's robust MPC solutions.

MPC-Driven Blockchain Solutions

Tangle's vision is to simplify the development of advanced cryptographic and zero-knowledge applications. Tangle's Multi-Party Computation (MPC) protocols, cross-chain functionality, security, and privacy tools make that possible.
Colorful gradientAn example dashboard view of a threshold DKG rotation.

Threshold Signature as Service (TSSaaS)

Signatures are pervasive in the design of blockchain bridges, oracles, and custody solutions. Tangle provides signatures as a service using threshold cryptography as a first-class citizen of the protocol.


Developers can leverage TSS services for enhanced security and key management, ensuring no single point of failure and maintaining signer anonymity.
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Validators provide TSS service with Tangle restaking infrastructure to earn extra rewards.
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Proof Generation as Service (ZKSaaS)

Proof generation is critical for maintaining privacy and implementation of complex cryptographic protocols within decentralized applications. Tangle's ZKSaaS allows users to access proof generation functionality directly through the network's infrastructure.


Integrate privacy features becomes as straightforward as utilizing the network's capabilities, without the need for deep cryptographic knowledge.
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Participate by leveraging distributed computational resources to generate cryptographic proofs required and earn extra rewards through restaking.
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launch phases

Tangle Network is Open Source & Community Managed

Phase 1

Launch Incentivized Testnet and Leaderboard campaign
Launch Democracy Governance
Finalize Token Distribution

Phase 2

Launch Mainnet and allocate TNT tokens
Initialize Threshold Signature Scheme (TSS) as a service
Deploy Restaking: Linking Validators & MPC

Phase 3

Launch Cross-chain Transfers
Initialize Proof Generation (ZKSaaS) as a service
ETH2 Light Client

Phase 4

Fully Delegate Authority to On‒Chain Community
Expand MPC Service Offerings
Integration with EigenLayer
Tangle Network is built by Webb Protocol, alongside with support from various established industry programs and partners.
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Frequently asked questions

Need more information? Explore our documentation site or connect with others in our community channels to learn more.
What is the Tangle Network and how can I get started with it?
The Tangle Network is crafted to deliver decentralized cloud services, emphasizing Multi-Party Computation (MPC) as a Service (MPCaaS). Tangle Network offers a dynamic and collaborative ecosystem where validators, application and infrastructure developers, and token holders can engage, leverage, and push the boundaries of MPC solutions to unlock digital privacy through the secure computation of private inputs.

Tangle empowers application developers by providing seamless access to state-of-the-art MPC solutions, including Threshold Signature Services (TSSaaS) and Zero-Knowledge Proof Generation Services (ZKSaaS). This access enables developers to execute sophisticated cryptographic operations efficiently, eliminating the complexities and burdens of development and infrastructure maintenance.

Tangle Network will introduce an innovative restaking mechanism that rewards validators beyond traditional block validation efforts. This unique system compensates validators for their direct involvement in MPC tasks, fostering a deeper engagement with the network’s operations through restaking. This model not only incentivizes participation but also aligns with Tangle’s mission to advance privacy and security within the blockchain space. More details on how to use the Tangle Network can be found here.
What is the Tangle Token (TNT) and what is it used for?
The TNT token refers to the native cryptocurrency of the Tangle network, and serves several key purposes within the Tangle ecosystem:

: TNT token holders can participate in the governance of the Tangle network by proposing or voting on changes to the protocol, system upgrades, and other improvements. This ensures that decision-making power is decentralized and distributed among stakeholders.

Staking: TNT tokens can be staked by validators and nominators to help secure the network. Validators are responsible for validating and producing new blocks, while nominators support validators by selecting them and staking their TNT tokens as a form of backing. Staking helps maintain network security and integrity, and those who participate in staking are rewarded with additional TNT tokens as an incentive.

Gas Metering: Gas is used as a computational unit to measure the cost of transactions and smart contract execution within the EVM integrated through Frontier. TNT tokens can be used to pay for this gas, ensuring that resources on the network are used efficiently and preventing abuse.

Network Transactions: TNT tokens can be used for conducting transactions within the network, serving as the medium of exchange for services, assets, or other tokens. This provides liquidity and facilitates economic activity on the Tangle network.The TNT token refers to the native cryptocurrency of the Tangle network.
Can anyone run a validator node on Tangle?
For a comprehensive list of requirements and a step-by-step guide on setting up your validator node, please visit our documentation site at Tangle Validator Guide. You may also connect with experienced teams and fellow validators in communities at the Tangle's Discord channel.

Validators are crucial for the network's security and receive rewards based on era points accrued from various network activities. Learn more about validator rewards here.
How can I deploy on Tangle using Hardhat?
You can deploy a smart contract on a Substrate-based blockchain network using Hardhat by initially setting up your environment with Node.js, npm, and Hardhat. Following this, configure Hardhat for the Tangle Network by installing essential plugins and updating the hardhat.config.js file. Compile your contracts and create a deployment script. Ultimately, you can deploy your contract on the Tangle Network by running the deployment script. Learn more about this process through this detailed guide.
Get started

Join the Tangle Ecosystem

Testnet Finalized Block
Testnet Validators
With Tangle Network, we can create a more distributed, secure, and positive-sum blockchain ecosystem with MPC. Tangle's mainnet is launching soon, join early to be part of pioneering the future of privacy in blockchain.

Latest blog posts

Read the latest updates, news, and information about the Tangle Network.
Tangle Network

Tangle Mainnet Launch!

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Tangle mainnet. We can’t wait for developers to join the ecosystem and kickstart MPC innovation.
10 Apr 2024
3 min read
Tangle Network

Tangle Network: Preparation for Launch!

Overview of the upcoming Tangle Mainnet Launch & Threshold Signature-as-a-Service.
3 Apr 2024
3 min read
Tangle Network

Tangle Network Leaderboard Campaign Concludes with Snapshot

Successful conclusion of the Tangle Leaderboard Campaign that incentivized validators to run nodes and earn points towards the genesis distribution of TNT tokens.
29 Mar 2024
3 min read
Tangle Network

Tangle Network Team Celebrates Successful Testnet and Prepares for Mainnet Launch

Approaching mainnet launch on April 10, 2024, here are the milestones we've achieved and the strength of our growing community.
27 Mar 2024
3 min read
Tangle Network

Subwallet for iOS and Browser integrates Tangle Network

This integration enables Tangle users to easily manage their assets across multiple platforms, including iOS, browser extension, and web dashboard.
20 Mar 2024
3 min read
Tangle Network

Kickstart MPC Innovation with Tangle Network: The Power of Threshold Signature Schemes

This blog post unveils Tangle Network's Threshold Signature Schemes (TSS) solution & its use cases.
15 Mar 2024
6 min read
Tangle Network

Token Allocation for Tangle Network's April 10th Mainnet Launch

Webb unveils the final token allocation plan for the highly anticipated Tangle Network genesis launch on April 10th 2024.
8 Mar 2024
1 min read
Tangle Network

Final Testnet before Mainnet Launch of Tangle Network (v0.6.1)

Announcement: the latest and final version of Tangle testnet before the launch of mainnet.
10 Jan 2024
5 min read
Multiple users - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Tangle Network

Validator Onboard FAQ

To become a Tange validator requires substantial system administration skills to set up infrastructure and resolve anomalies independently. Follow security best practices, as this is crucial for success.
24 Nov 2023
2 min read
Tangle Network

Tangle Network Validator Onboarding Pause

With hundreds of validator onboarded since the launch of our testnet, our team has decided to pause onboarding in order to ensure careful stability and scaling of the network.
24 Nov 2023
1 min read
Tangle Network

An External Code Analysis of Tangle Network and dkg-substrate Repositories

A rigorous external analysis performed by Security Research Labs.
20 Oct 2023
2 min read
Tangle Network

Announcing the Tangle Network Testnet Launch

Webb is excited to announce the Testnet launch of the Tangle Network testnet, a major milestone in realizing our vision.
29 Sep 2023
5 min read
Tangle Network

Tangle Network completes Substrate Builders Program with achievement of M3

Webb is thrilled to announce that we have successfully achieved Milestone 3 of the Substrate Builders Program.
1 Aug 2023
5 min read
Tangle Network

Tangle Network Release: v0.2.4

Tangle Network's updates improved speed, security, operational parameters, startup, documentation clarity, and Distributed Key Generation.
7 Jul 2023
2 min read
Tangle Network

Tangle Network achieves Substrate BPM2

We are thrilled to announce that Tangle Network has completed Milestone #2 of the Substrate Builders Program by Parity Technologies.
30 Jun 2023
2 min read
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